my made in america project

I aspire to a small carbon footprint, and until recently I believed that I was doing a good job. I'm not. My car-free, bike commuting, semi-locavore, paper recycling,  limited air traveling lifestyle is okay, but I could definitely do better.  One area over which I have control is my online shopping habit. My individual purchases travel by truck, van, and airplane to get to me; thousands of miles each year. It's thoroughly insane that a single pair of running shoes should travel half-way across the world only to enrich my wardrobe.

My plan for the remainder of 2013 is to consciously buy--and try--products made locally or in the continental US. So begins my made in america project. To help in my search for more responsible retail items I'm enlisting the internet, local crafters and artisans in the DC area, the FreeStore network, and a fantastic website  I've just found called the Responsible Shoppers' Guide.

My next potential purchase is this pair of sneakers from New Balance--pending positive research results. Read my review of these sneakers.