- My first bike cost me 10 bucks,
- the second was 60,
- the third was a freebie from a friend after my 2nd bike was stolen,
- the fourth bike was $250,
- and my current ride is exponentially more dear.
on recent trips to the local bike shops, I was shocked at the cost of used and/or "inexpensive" modes of transport. The cheap bikes cost $400!!! Hubby surprised me with an abandoned frame that he found on the side of the road--a rusty, gunky, 30 year old, cheap bike. He left it where it lay for a day or so before coming back to claim it. We got new tires and tubes, saddle, tape and bits and bobs to make it work. It's a HOT bike.
This will be my "Antiguan Gyal" bike--decorated in the colors of my native flag and stenciled with that moniker. So excited...