It's February..How are those Resolutions?

2021 Resolution: Wear more Clothes with Fringes, and Play more Didgeridoo...easy

In the early aughts, I took my good SLR camera to the bar, on a routine night out, for a special art project. In my oversized purse I packed a ream of colored paper and a few kiddie markers. Between drinks with the usual suspects, I asked everyone to write down a resolution for me. I started at the Mafia table, in Dougherty’s Irish Pub, continued at the Club Charles further uptown, and wrapped up while dancing at the Depot. It all got a bit blurry by the time our bartenders announced ‘Last call’. 

Since then I have recorded my new year resolutions in art. But rather than choose something difficult, that will test my resolve—thirty days into the year—I’ve simply lowered my standards. No more will I endeavor to do the impossible. Instead, I choose fun and attainable goals. You can keep Dry January, Vegan-uary, Volunt-anuary, Garden Plan-uary, and the rest. This year, for instance, I resolve to dress in costume (and also make myself some tiny hats)..that’s it. So, rather than dress for work or school or the food pantry, I’m dressing for me…sometimes as a princess or prom queen, or an artist, or a poet, or a beautiful woman of a certain age in a tiny little hat.

Lowering the Bar gets Results

Over the past few years, we have made attainable resolutions. A few are pictured. The goal is really to make art together as a couple, and start off our year in this mutual, mindful activity. And we have a blast doing it. It’s interesting to notice that hubby’s resolutions have become more mindful, as mine have become more esoteric. A year or two ago, it was to wear more fringes and to at least pick up my Didgeridoo...mission accomplished!! 

2021 we resolved to wear more fringe, play the didge, share one story a day from the New York Times, and rub hamstrings muscles regularly.

In 2022, we resolved to be more like Joan Baez, to play singing bowls more, and put sidewalk chalk artwork into a book.

In 2020, we resolved to give the 2019 resolutions another chance, and to face the tiger (read Life of Pi for the reference). In 2019 we resolved to get something published, and to start wearing the bike helmet.


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