There's Nothing Wrong with your Eyebrows

25 years ago my Chinese best friend told me that I had 'Chinese' eyebrows. This was neither dig, nor compliment, just an observation. She went on to point out the similarities between my brows and her brother’s. The resemblance was uncanny…I likely made a joke about us secretly being related, before we moved on from the topic completely. 

Four photos of my brows through the years:(L-R) my 20-year old somewhat thicker unadulterated eyebrows (me and Baby Jen), my 27-year-old heavily plucked eyebrows with some highlighting, then my 2023 eyebrows which have been shaped with sienna brow powder, and finally, my makeup free eyebrows and brown eyeglass frames.

Flash forward five years, I’m following the trend of plucking my already spare brows to coax them into a narrower, more severe arch. My boyfriend at the time said, there's no need, ‘your eyebrows look good already.’ Instead of taking his advice, I became single. However, the plucking-shaving-waxing of my brows ceased for nearly 2 decades.

Last year, I noticed a couple white brow hairs and noted that my once bushy brows were probably a bit more sparse (I’m still not sure on this end). To regain a youthful over-eye garden, I went the makeup route. This began the brow powder. I started—as any makeup neophyte—with too dark powder, but quickly graduated to a more convincing sienna color. I eventually grew proud of my made-up brow fill/shape technique and have been keeping up the 3-minute activity since winter (third pic from the left, above)

My thin-wild brows in Antigua

Then suddenly, one month ago I awoke with this thought, "My eyebrows are perfectly fine as they are. There is nothing wrong with them." And for the first time this year, I left the house without making up my brows. This gave me three additional minutes to faff about—not to mention I also omitted eye-liner-shadow-under-eye concealer—doubled that time. Six minutes of stretching before I hopped into a pretty dress and headed to see the city. Priceless.

My eyebrows are my tell...even with a neutral face, the cynicism, empathy, or shock that I do not voice is evident just above my eyes. Perhaps sparser brows make me less easy to read

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