Good Fare Revisited

I trekked to Camden Town and revisited my favorite Italian restaurant, just off the high street. The joint was jumping at 3pm!

Before I get to the food, I must say that in the borough of Camden there are more package places (FedEx, mailboxes etc.) than in previous visits...likewise Mexican restaurants about (but none of them seem to have any customers's interesting because I have met more south American people here this time, and zero Spaniards. Another pleasant surprise  is the abundance of eco/bike/human-powered delivery services that race through the city streets!

Anyway, back to Good Fare Italian.
First off, the worst thing about coming here is that I have only one stomach, and can therefore only eat a little bit from the menu at each visit. That is the worst, but I savor each and every bite--knowing I won't get to relive the meal for a full year.

I ordered the green olives for a starter, spinach gnocchi for the main, and rounded it out with thee chocolate mousse cake  and vanilla Gelato.  The gnocchi is served in a tomato sauce with melted mozzarella and a garnish of fresh basil. It is simple and succulent.

As for the cake, I awoke this morning  feeling maudlin and despondent, a friend advised me to have cake in order to improve my outlook-- now she is on the wagon, so I take this advice more seriously than from folks who say have an aperitif-- so I ordered against prior patterns, the chocolate mousse cake. This rich, moist, chocolatey treat come with a small scoop of vanilla Gelato, on a warmed plate. I was expecting something good, but what I got was the ideal antidote to my crappy mood. Eating miniscule bites of alternating cake and cream, I was lost in texture, taste, and temperature...and obviously, the chocolate. When my meal ended, I actually didn't want to leave the place, but having spent over an hour over savouring 3 good sized plates, I thought it best not to order an fourth course!

I have 2 days left in the city and plan to make at least another trip to my favorite restaurant...the caprese  salad remains a favorite from past visits, and I have most of the menu left to try. Thanks Emma, good call on the cake.

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